By making it impossible to reduce prices of computers, appliances or vacations on in the global marketplace by devaluing, nations would be forced to lift productivity, and moderate wages, as the only route to staying competitive. 如果不能再通过本币贬值,降低他们生产的电脑、家电或提供的度假服务在国际市场上的价格,这些国家就必须努力提高生产率,节制工资,这是保持竞争力的唯一途径。
Has any President during the past generation failed to call on labor unions to moderate voluntarily their demands for higher wages, or to steel companies to honor voluntary guidelines on prices? 在过去一代人,是否有总统从不号召工会自愿节制他们对较高工资的要求,或是要求钢铁公司遵守定价的自动指引?
My own empirical investigation concludes that the effect of trade with poor countries may even have been to moderate the downward pressure on wages that rapid unskilled labour-saving technical change would have caused. 我本人的实证调查则发现,快速淘汰非熟练工人的技术变革造成了工资下降压力,而与穷国贸易带来的影响甚至可能缓和了这种压力。